Labrador Innu cultural facility

Request for proposals (RFP) - PDF Download
Proposals Received By:
Jodie Ashini, Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
PO Box 119, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P1C0
709-899-2975 (cell)
709-497-8398 (office)

Closing Date and Time has been extended from October 31st., 2020 to December 11th., 2020 .at 11:59 pm AST

1. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Labrador Innu Cultural facility

Innu Nation invites you to respond to TWO PARTS of this Request for Proposals (RFP).

The focus of the RFP is to provide PART 1) Market Oriented Feasibility, and PART 2) Visitor Experience planning.
This RFP is the first stage of project management for the development of a critical path towards a Labrador Innu Cultural facility that can be used to cost a Class D budget and be presented to the Innu Nation as the conceptual plan.
Proposals will be accepted for PART 1 only, PART 2 only, and/or both Part 1&2, with a preference for proposals inclusive of both. 

The RFP is to be completed no later than December 11th, 2020.

2. Introduction

Innu Nation is the representative body of the Innu First Nation communities of Sheshatshiu, and Natuashish, NL in pursuing self-determination. Innu Nation is at the Final Agreement stage of a comprehensive land rights and self-government agreement with Canada and NL.
Innu Nation is working towards the repatriation from the Canadian Museum of History, The Rooms Corporation of NL and other institutions for significant collections of cultural and historic materials, including archaeological, ethnographic, photos, videos and document records

The proposed cultural facility will be located in the community of Sheshatshiu, and also designed to maintain a presence and/or programming, in Natuashish.

An Innu Cultural Facility is being imagined as an exciting gateway into the heritage and culture of the Labrador Innu communities.

The Labrador Innu story will be the central aspect of the development, which will be planned to potentially serve a number of key functions, including:
  • State-of- the-art museum with permanent and temporary exhibition spaces devoted to Innu history and present-day life, material culture, and art.
  • Climate-controlled storage spaces to accommodate a range of materials and conditions,
  • such as historic and contemporary material culture objects, archaeological artifacts, and archival collections (e.g., textual, photographic, and audio-visual materials).
  • Auditorium/theatre/performance/special event space.
  • Classroom and community group engagement space.
  • Indoor/Outdoor workshop for traditional practices (e.g., making snowshoes and canoes, smoking/tanning hides, etc.).
  • Gift shop and food service.
  • Office and administrative space.
  • Visitor Experience and Orientation for the newly established Akami-uapishku – KakKassuak – Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve under co-management with Innu Nation and Parks Canada.
Innu Nation is at the Final Agreement stage of a comprehensive land rights and self government agreement with Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador. A key outcome of ratification would include the transfer of ownership for a significant collection of Innu heritage resources from the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau to the Labrador Innu.
Furthermore, the Rooms Corporation in St. John’s, and other museums and cultural facilities in Canada, the U.S, and Europe hold Innu collections that could be borrowed, researched, and displayed in the community. Innu Nation is currently assessing options for the development and financing of a facility to serve this "museum" purpose, and incorporate related culture, heritage and economic development opportunities to ensure its financial sustainability long-term.
In 2015, Innu Nation and Parks Canada Agency concluded a Park Impact Benefit Agreement (PIBA), and in 2017 the Akami-uapishku – KakKassuak – Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve was formally established covering a vast area of Innu traditional territory adjacent to Sheshatshiu. Parks Canada Agency has committed to establishing administration offices to be supplied by Innu Nation, along with a Visitor Reception and Orientation facility in the region.  Innu Nation anticipates incorporating the Parks Canada commitments into the development of the Innu Cultural Facility in Sheshatshiu, NL.

3. Scope of Work

With oversight by Jodie Ashini, Innu Heritage Guardian and a team of Innu Nation staff, the selected provider will clearly describe the services and the detailed cost to deliver:

PART 1) a) concept; b) market analysis; c) fundraising feasibility study; and d) business plan with projected operating and capital budgets.

This work should include considerations for:
  1. Land and site management
  2. Facility development
  3. Fund development
  4. Communications
  5. Governance and staffing
  6. Visitor experience and education
  7. Collections and research

PART 2) - Plan for Visitor Experiences —a full master interpretive plan with exhibition budgets; based on

  • Study, (outlining a needs assessment completed June 2018), and
  • Database of Innu collections
The INNU NATION CULTURE AND HERITAGE CENTRE Phase 1 - Feasibility Study, and Database of Innu collections are both available to bidders as background information, please request this material by email to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

The following is a list of further topics and questions proposals should address:

Time Plan (Schedule)
Prepare project master schedule;
Identify potential risks to schedule;

Corporate Information
  • Overview of the organization including age of business
  • Names of employees and subcontractors that may be involved
  • Outline of any potential conflicts of interest
  • Examples of relevant or previous work including current client types
  • Office location(s) and contact information
  • List of references (minimum 3)
Proposed Approach and Schedule
  • Overview of the proposed workplan and outputs
  • Timeline that includes key milestones, decision points, major activities and deliverables
  • Information and resources required by provider to commence
  • Outline options and approach for security and protection of confidentiality
The consultant shall act as a faithful advisor to Innu Nation in all matters. The Prime Consultant shall keep Innu Nation informed on all matters related to the project and all other important aspects forming part of the scope of work and shall execute all works in conformance with requirements.
The projects are to be implemented in a sustainable environmentally responsible manner.

  • Outline the pricing model for services
  • Outline any additional (i.e. service-for-a-fee) that may be required
  • Clearly outline projected total costs for proper budgeting

4. Project Administration


Jodie Ashini, Innu Heritage Guardian will act as Project Manager and will be the key point of contact on this RFP.  Innu Nation administers the Project and exercises continuing control over the Consultant's work during all phases of development. Unless directed otherwise by the Project Manager, the Consultant obtains all requirements and approvals necessary for the work. The consultant shall:
  • Carry out services in accordance with approved documents and directions given by the Project Manager;
  • In an instance where a sub consultant must be added to the team or a sub consultant is to be substitutes, obtain the Project Manager's approval of sub-consultant(s) before engaging them.
  • Ensure all communications carry the Innu Nation’s Project Title
  • Advise the Project Manager of any changes that may affect schedule or budget or are inconsistent with instructions or written approvals previously given. The consultant shall detail the extent and reasons for the changes and obtain written approval before proceeding.

General Project Deliverables

Where deliverables and submissions include summaries, reports, drawings, plans or schedules, four (4) hard copies shall be provided plus one (1) copy shall be provided in electronic format as follows unless approved otherwise in Appendices. Electronic format shall mean:

For written reports and studies: Microsoft Word and PDF;
For Spreadsheets, and budgets: Microsoft Excel and PDF;
For Presentations: Microsoft Power Point;

Lines of Communication

The Consultant shall not communicate unless so authorized in writing by the Project Manager.


The Consultant shall not respond to requests for Project related information or questions from the media. Such enquiries are to be directed to the Project Manager.


The Project Manager shall arrange meetings as required relative to Project scope and phase of work, for members of Project team, including representatives from:
Innu Nation and/or community delegates, and Consultant team.
The Consultant shall attend the meetings, record the issues and decisions and prepare and distribute minutes within 48 hours of the meeting.

Submissions, Reviews and Approvals

Work in progress will be reviewed by the Project Manager including:
Submission Format: drawings and specifications;
Submission Schedule: Submissions are reviewed when completed work has been forwarded to the
Project Manager as per the schedule;
Expected Turnaround Time: as per schedule;
Number of Submissions: until approval has been received.

5. General Objectives

5.1.1 The services rendered by the Consultant will be in support of Innu Nation. The contract will include the required services listed in this RFP. The Consultant will be expected to be able to provide expertise in the noted areas. The following sections indicate the general extent of required services that the consultant team must be able to provide.
5.1.2 Unless otherwise indicated in the Project Description, provide four (4) paper copies of all deliverables. Electronic deliverables can be submitted via email and or from share sites.

5.1.3 The schedule for the delivery of services will be as per the approved Time Plan and Schedule

5.2 Roles and Responsibilities

5.2.1 Project Manager

.1 The Innu Nation Project Manager has overall responsibility for the progress of the project, including management, administration and coordination of the activities as set out in this document.

.2 Innu Nation will review all respects of the Consultant team’s work on a continuing basis to determine the validity and completeness of the information provided. In the event Innu Nation may identify areas of concern including errors and omissions as well as areas of inadequate detail or areas that require further explanation, the Consultant team shall re-examine the documents provided and make such revisions as are subsequently agreed to be necessary and/or provide ample acceptable evidence that such corrections or amendments are unnecessary.

5.2.2 Consultant

.1 Be responsible for the assembling and engagement of the complete design team required to carry out the work in a conscientious and professional manner.

.2 Be responsible for gathering, identifying and documenting the needs of the client and incorporating those needs into the required project deliverables.

.3 Establish and maintain, throughout the duration of each project, a team capable of effectively delivering the services described in this document.

.4 Deliver the project within the time frame and assigned budget in accordance with the approved plan.

.5 Provide monthly project reports indicating expenditures and progress to date.

.6 Ensuring deliverables are met and Project is on schedule;
Completing project reporting for the effective tracking of project progress;
Chair project meetings and draft meeting minutes;
Manage the Change Order Approval process; and, Act as liaison to provide information and recommendations to the First Nations and Project

.7 No acceptance by Innu Nation, whether expressed or implied, shall be deemed to relieve the Consultant, of professional or technical responsibility for the correctness or completeness of any element of the project.

6. Selection Criteria

Innu Nation will use multiple criteria to select the most appropriate service provider.
Respondents are encouraged to present professional and creative proposals that demonstrate a pathway for the project to be successful. Proponent proposals will be evaluated on their perceived understanding of the positioning for the Cultural facility and how their proposed Program and Operations will support the market and the intended operations as outlined.

The following list summarizes the major qualitative areas that will be evaluated:
  • Expertise and experience
  • Experience with similar Northern and Indigenous partnered projects
  • Previous relevant experience
  • Demonstrated customer service and quality support
  • Ability to provide some on-site project reporting
  • Financial considerations
  • Scope of services provided
  • Clarity and quality of the proposal

7. Response Content and Format

Respondents’ proposal will be submitted through email to the address outlined in the following section and have the subject line “Cultural Facility RFP Response”.
Proposals should:
Be a single PDF document;
  • Contain only relevant information and clear plain language;
  • Contain enough information to properly evaluate the qualitative areas noted above; and
  • Clearly define what services will be provided and at what cost.

8. Response Deadline

Only responses submitted as outlined prior to the deadline indicated below will be considered.
Deadline: December 11, 2020. 11:59pm Atlantic Standard Time
Responses will receive a receipt confirmation email no more than one business day after the submission is received.

9. No Obligation

The submission of a proposal shall not in any manner oblige Innu Nation to enter into a contract or to be responsible for the costs incurred by your organization in responding to this request. Innu Nation reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses; and/or further negotiate with respondents.