New Players In The Province's Fishery
For Immediate Release                                                               
St. John’s, NL, October 22, 2009
The Atlantic Optimist, a fishing vessel wholly owned and operated by the Innu of Labrador is expected
to arrive in St. John’s this evening to land its first catch of 115 tonnes of Greenland Halibut/Turbot
harvested in Zone 0b in the Davis Strait. The factory freezer trawler is the property of Ueueshuk
Fisheries Limited, a company operated by the Innu Development Limited Partnership (IDLP).
Tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. the leadership of the Labrador Innu, (Grand Chief of the Innu Nation
Mark Nui, Deputy Grand Chief Peter Penashue, Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Chief Anastasia Qupee
and Mushuau Innu First Nation Prote Poker) will be on hand dockside to greet the vessel’s captain, Lot
Short, a Newfoundlander, and crew, all from either Newfoundland and Labrador or Nova Scotia.
“Fish is a renewable resource and the fishery is at the heart of the province’s economy” stated Grand
Chief Nui. “We are getting involved in this industry for the very long term, for the benefit of the Innu
people and the province as a whole.”
Ueueshuk Fisheries Limited has ambitious plans. Its vessel presently fishes Greenland Halibut/Turbot
in the Davis Strait but it also has a quota for Atlantic Halibut in the 3Ps Zone, off the south coast of the
island of Newfoundland. All of its fish is being sold to China and Vietnam. The company intends to
keep its vessel fishing year-round and to acquire more quotas for underdeveloped species such as
Grenadier. One opportunity for more quotas may come later this year when NAFO (North American
Fisheries Organization) announces new quota allocations in the 0b zone.
According to Fred Hall, Business Manager for IDLP, “The Innu want to diversify their business
interests and a part of that will be to look for opportunities in the fishery. The price of fish is good, the
markets are good, and IDLP will consider acquiring more vessels, this is an important expression of
confidence in the province’s fishery.”
For more information:
Peter Penashue
Deputy Grand Chief
Innu Nation and Advisor to IDLP
(709) 897-4019
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